Flower: World English: Chronicle 2012.
Music: World English: Abrams 2010.
Bird: USA, Canada, AUS, NZ, Italy: Chronicle, 2009.
Wisdom: US: Abrams, 2008.
Creature: World English: Chronicle, 2007.
Creature Baby Animals: World English: Chronicle 2014.
Creature Sounds: World English: Chronicle 2014.
Creature Numbers: World English: Chronicle 2014.
Creature Colors: World English: 2014.
Blumen: Germany, Knesebeck Von Dem GmbH 2012.
Music: South Africa: Wild Dog 2010.
Music: Australia, New Zealand: Hachette 2010.
Creature ABC: NZ, AUS, Brazil: Chronicle 2009.
Mein ABC der wilden Tiere: Germany, Austria, Switzerland: Chronicle, 2009.
El legado de la sabiduría: Spain: Blume, 2009.
Oiseaux: France: Chronicle 2009.
Passaros: Brazil: Chronicle 2009.
Weisheit: Germany: Kensebeck, 2009.
Wild Birds: Germany, Austria, Switzerland: Chronicle 2009.
Wisdom Mini - Peace: USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, AUS, NZ, South Africa: Abrams 2009.
Wisdom Mini - Love: USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, AUS, NZ
Wisdom Mini - Life: USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, AUS, NZ
Wisdom Mini - Ideas: USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, AUS, NZ
Wisdom: European Edition: Abrams, 2009.
Wisdom: Japan: Samtoh Art Books, 2009.
μέντορας: Greece: Mendor Editions, S.A. 2009.
Creature (Mini Format): UK: Chronicle, 2008.
Creature (Mini Format): Italy: Chronicle, 2008.
Creature (Mini Format): USA, NZ, AUS: Chronicle, 2008.
Wild Animals (Mini Format): Germany: Chronicle, 2008.
Wisdom: South Africa: Abrams, 2008.
Wisdom: AUS, NZ: Abrams, 2008.
Wisdom: UK, Canada: Abrams, 2008.
Creature: Italy: Chronicle, 2007.
Un monde singulier: France, 2007.
Wild Animals: Germany, 2007.
Ewing & Panchaud. “Flora Photogrpahica: The Flower in Contemporary Photography”. UK, USA:
Thames & Hudson Inc, 2022
Bailey, Spencer & Andrew Zuckerman. “At a Distance: 100 Visionaries at Home in a Pandemic”: USA, Spain: Apartamento Publishing, 2021.
Zuckerman, Andrew, “Alexandra Cunningham Cameron & Seth Cameron”, Apartamento: Spain: Spring Summer 2021.
Flower: Exploring the World in Bloom: USA: Phaidon, 2020.
Graphis Journal #358: USA: Graphis Press, 2018.
Christof, Tag, “Making Meaning”, Apartamento: Italy: Autumn Winter 2016-17.
Bailey, Spencer, “Andrew Zuckerman’s Deep Dive”, Centre: USA: Autum Winter 2016-17.
Stiftung Museum Schloss Moyland, Say it with Flowers: Flowers and Artificial Nature Since 1960: (Exhibition Catalogue) DE: Wienand Verlag, 2016.
Mohammad Ali Al-Thani, Sheikh Saoud, Lubara: QA: 2014.
Northrup, JoAnne, Nevada Museum of Art, Late Harvest:(Exhibition Catalogue), USA: Hirmer Publishers, 2014.
Stooss, Toni, Museum de Moderne, Flowers and Mushrooms: (Exhibition Catalogue), AT: Hirmer Publishers, 2014.
Heine, Florian, Photography: The Groundbreaking Moments: DE: Prestel, 2012.
Graphis 100 Best in Photography, Photography Annual: USA: Graphis Press, 2011.
De La Vejez, Elogio and Zaharrei Gorazarre, In Praise of Elderly: (Exhibition Catalogue), Spain: Getxphoto, 2011.
American Photography 26, Annual: USA: Amilus, Inc., 2010.
Communication Arts, Photography Annual: USA: Coyne and Blanchard, 2010.
D&AD, Annual: UK: Taschen, 2010.
Graphis, Photography Annual: USA: Graphis Press, 2010.
Hideyuki, Kaneko, Intelligent, Lively, Distinguished Ads: JP: Kenkyusha, 2010.
PDN, Photo Annual: USA: Emerald Expositions, 2010.
American Photography 25, Annual: USA: Amilus, Inc., 2009.
Blackwell, Lewis, Photowisdom: USA, NZ: PQ Blackwell/ Chronicle Books, 2009.
Communication Arts, Photography Annual: USA: Coyne and Blanchard, 2009.
Koch, Roberto, Photo: Box, IT: USA: Abrams, 2009.
Bergstrom, Bo, Essentials of Visual Communication: UK: Laurence King Publishing, Ltd., 2008.
Communication Arts, Photography Annual: USA: Coyne and Blanchard, 2008.
PDN, Photo Annual: USA: Emerald Expositions, 2008.
Graphis, Advertising Annual: USA: Graphis Press, 2007.
Graphis, Photography Annual: USA: Graphis Press, 2007.
PDN, Photo Annual: USA: Emerald Expositions, 2007.
PDN, Volume XXVII, Issue 11: Digital Imaging Award, USA: Emerald Expositions, 2007.
Woodstock Film Festival: Diane Seligman Award: Best Narrative Short, USA, 2007.
Communication Arts, Photography Annual: USA: Coyne and Blanchard, 2006.
D&AD, Annual, Yellow Pencil Award: UK: Taschen, 2006.
PDN, Photo Annual: USA: Emerald Expositions, 2006.
Communication Arts, Photography Annual: USA: Coyne and Blanchard, 2005.
PDN, Photo Annual: USA: Emerald Expositions, 2005.
PDN, Volume XXV, Issue 3, Top 30 Photographers to Watch: USA: Emerald Expositions, 2005.
American Photography 19, Annual: USA: Amilus, Inc. 2003.
Communication Arts, Photography Annual: USA: Coyne and Blanchard, 2003.
Art Directors Club, Young Guns 3: USA: Rockport Publishers, 2002.
Fitzgerald, Caitlin and Alexandra Rowley, Turn, Shake, Flip: USA: Eyestorm, 2001.